Simply call 833.224.5785 for 24/7 support for the following requests:
- Activaciones de tarjetas
- Denunciar fraude o impugnar cargos
- Denunciar tarjeta perdida/robada
- Cambiar su PIN
Fraude/impugnaciones | Programa de alertas por fraude |
If an unauthorized charge is posted and you receive no resolution from the merchant, you may dispute the charge at 833.224.5785. Call the number above so we may assist you with submitting disputes and inquiries into in-process disputes. |
You can call 800.242.2120 and provide your mobile number to receive Fraud Alert text messages. Al proporcionar su número, usted autoriza a Visions a notificarlo de incidentes sospechosos de fraude financiero o de identidad.
Tarjetas perdidas o robadas | Tarjeta de reemplazo |
Cuando usted denuncia la pérdida o el robo de su tarjeta, automáticamente se le emite un nuevo número de tarjeta de 16 dígitos. La entrega convencional de tarjetas por correo postal de los EE. UU. demora entre 7 y 10 días hábiles. Las tarjetas de reemplazo también se pueden emitir al instante en la mayoría de las sucursales. | To request a replacement card, you may log in to your Digital Banking account then select Card Controls located in the Quick Links on your digital banking Home page, or under the Services tab in the digital banking menu. You may also reach our Contact Center at 800.242.2120 menu option 4, or stop into any Visions office. |
Número de PIN de la tarjeta | Card Status and Automatic Replacements |
If you have forgotten your ATM PIN, you may reach our Contact Center at 800.242.2120 menu option 4, or stop into any Visions office. | Generally, when a card is closed due to being compromised or reported stolen, a new card is automatically issued, although there may be instances where the card cannot be automatically generated. To check the status of your new card, you may reach our Contact Center at 800.242.2120 menu option 4. |
Su seguridad es nuestra prioridad
We understand the importance of security and value your peace of mind. We have implemented an extra fraud prevention program to protect your credit and debit card but understanding how you can proactively identify fraud is important, too.
Visite nuestra página Seguridad para aprender a protegerse mejor.