Por qué me deshice de mi tarjeta de débito

Todo sobre la vida con tarjeta de crédito

I'm going to make a confession: I don't use my debit card. To be honest, I haven't used it in years. And while that's not something our Card Solutions Manager here at Visions will like, the fact is, I'm all about my credit card.

Here's why I broke up with my debit card and haven't looked back.


Esta es la gran razón. If I'm already spending money, why shouldn't I spend in a way that will make me money? Como mi colega señaló en otra publicación del blog, las recompensas de tarjetas de crédito son excelentes por varios motivos. Abastecerme de tarjetas de regalo para las fiestas, actuar como un minifondo de emergencia, obtener descuentos para viajes: las recompensas son la razón por las que uso mi tarjeta de crédito en todo momento.

It's good for my credit

Para ser más precisos: it's good for my credit because I try to use it responsibly. En lo que respecta a la puntuación de crédito, hacer los pagos a tiempo y mantener la utilización bajo control puede marcar una gran diferencia. By keeping it active, making my payments on time (or early), and keeping my balance low, I'm ensuring that my credit score stays where it should.

It's secure

Here's the nice thing about credit cards: tienen un límite. Y si ocurre un fraude en mi cuenta, sé que puedo cerrarla de inmediato y obtener crédito provisorio. That means I don't have to risk my account going into the negative, having one of my bill payments bounce, or anything like that. For me, it's peace of mind.

It's mobile wallet-friendly

Let's be clear: you can put your debit card in your mobile wallet, Apple Pay the day away, and still enjoy how secure and convenient contactless payments are, but there's something about the additional layer of security that gives me the warm and fuzzies. Eso y que aún puedo beneficiarme de las recompensas.

¿Mencioné que me gustan mucho las recompensas?

I'm not recommending that everyone ditches their debit card for a credit card. Más aún, tengo buenos amigos que prefieren usar tarjeta de débito porque funciona como un minimesada para ellos. They like setting up a certain amount of money in their checking account and knowing that once they've spent it all, they're done. And that's great!

For me, though, I'll be sticking with my credit card. We've got a good thing going.

-Devin M.

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