¿Tiene problemas para pagar su hipoteca? Podemos brindarle ayuda.

Si tiene dificultadas para hacer sus pagos de hipoteca, podemos ayudarlo. Ahora tiene muchos recursos a su disposición y lo único que debe hacer es consultar. Please call call our Member Solutions team at 800.242.2120 ext. 10270 to discuss your situation.


La opción correcta para usted depende de su situación particular. Based on the information you provide, we can determine if you qualify for temporary or long term relief foreclosure alternatives, including the solutions defined below that may allow you to stay in your home:

  • Financial Counseling – In-house professional staff to assist you in reviewing spending patterns, developing budgets and exploring payment alternatives
  • Forbearance – Make reduced mortgage payments or no mortgage payments for a specific period of time
  • Note Modification – Receive modified terms on your mortgage to make it more affordable or manageable
  • Refinance – Apply for a new loan and you may be able to lock in a lower interest rate and lower your monthly payment


If your mortgage loan is being reviewed for one of the foreclosure alternatives listed above and you have questions or concerns, or if you wish to have your case reviewed again, please call 800.242.2120 ext. 10615 to speak with Christopher Alfarano, VP/Chief Lending Officer. If he is unavailable, be sure to leave a detailed message and we will contact you in writing to acknowledge receipt of your inquiry in writing within three (3) business days. Intentaremos resolver su problema dentro de los 15 días calendario de la recepción de la consulta y, a más tardar, a los 30 días de la recepción.

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