¿Quiere saldar las deudas de tarjetas de crédito? En realidad, hay varias maneras de hacerlo, algunas que quizás ni se le hayan ocurrido. Here are the top five suggestions from Visions Federal Credit Union's Debt Experts.


Préstamo personal

El préstamo personal es su solución de consolidación de deuda más probable. El objetivo es combinar todos los saldos (y las APR asociadas) en un solo préstamo con una tasa mejor. No solo le ahorra mucho en interés, sino que también simplifica sus pagos.

"I had a member who was paying over $1,000 a month on credit card debt," says Kham Phonechanthasone, Visions Debt Expert and Assistant Manager of the Binghamton University and University Center Branches in New York. "I helped her consolidate them into a personal loan and was able to save her over $500 a month."

"She was thrilled to be able to have extra money in her pocket and know that it will be paid off in five years or less," she says.

Préstamo sobre el valor neto de la vivienda

This is not always the most obvious solution, but a solid one if you've been in your home for a while. Debt consolidation is a great way to utilize your home's equity as, like the personal loan, you can combine, save, and simplify multiple lines of credit.

"I find my go-to is to talk to members first about our home equity loans as Visions offers great rates," says Lindsay Kennedy, Visions Debt Expert and Manager of the Muhlenberg, Pennsylvania Branch. "I think people often forget about home equities to help consolidate."

"I often say that you work hard to pay for your home and to accumulate equity, so sometimes in certain situations, it's time for your home to help return the favor by alleviating some of your financial obligations," she says.

Refinanciación de hipoteca

You may also leverage your home's value when you refinance to knock down mortgage payments and free up some extra cash. Incluso puede hacer una refinanciación con retiro de efectivo en algunos casos, lo que hace que tenga dinero disponible para cancelar deudas.

Transferencia de saldo

It may seem counter-intuitive at first, but if you're prepared to keep your spending under control, consolidating multiple cards and rates to a new line of credit with a low or no APR can really work. Hay muchas tarjetas con excelentes tasas promocionales u otros incentivos, y un experto en deudas puede ayudar a encontrar una que mejore su situación de pago.

Refinanciación de vehículo con retiro de efectivo

If you don't own a home, you might also look to your vehicle to put cash on hand with an auto refinance. At Visions, you can refinance your auto loan and "cash out" based on up to 100% of your equity.

"One thing people might not think of is you can do a cash out auto refinance," Phonechanthasone says. "If you have enough equity on a vehicle or you own the vehicle outright, you can take equity out of it to pay down other debt at a lower interest rate."

Visions comprende el valor de tener expertos en deudas locales en las áreas en las que la cooperativa de crédito presta servicio. That's why they made it a point to place Debt Experts in every community they are a part of. Estos expertos son apasionados por lo que hacen.

"There are the members who come back to us and state how much we really helped them and we see them achieve their financial goals because we were able to help them," Kennedy says. "It's hard to put a dollar amount of savings to a successful debt consolidation, as a $50 a month savings may not mean too much to one member, but to another that's their peace of mind and security."

So, if you find your monthly payments are too high or you think you can lower your interest rates, it's likely time to consolidate. And if you're ready to become debt-free, you can lean on the Debt Experts at Visions for help.

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