Endwell, NY – To enhance accessibility of branch services, Visions Federal Credit Union is planning to pilot a device titled "Badger" at select locations.

Desarrollado por Satellite Displays, Inc., Badger es un dispositivo inteligente que puede proporcionar subtítulos cerrados para conversaciones en tiempo real. The size of a traditional name badge – and functioning as such when not in use – the device receives audio and converts it to text in real-time on the screen's display.

Mike Williston, cofundador y director ejecutivo de Satellite Displays, se tomó el desarrollo de Badger como algo personal. "My grandmother was deaf, my dad has severe hearing loss, and my sister and I have moderate hearing loss," says Williston. "It wasn't until my father was in the hospital and having trouble communicating with the nurses and doctors that we realized what a need there was for a device like Badger. Having a Badger would have made it easier for caregivers to communicate with my father by providing real time closed captions."

The breakthrough led to Williston speaking and exhibiting Badger at an accessibility and inclusion conference in upstate New York, catching the eye of Visions' Culture and Inclusion Officer, LaToya Pryce. "Members who are hard of hearing or experiencing hearing loss should receive the same exceptional member service that we offer everyone else," says Pryce. "This technology could help us extend an equitable experience to all."

Como primera institución financiera en probar esta tecnología, Visions comenzó a asociarse con Satellite Displays a principios de este año para pensar estrategias sobre la mejor manera de entregar el dispositivo a sus líneas de cajeros. En los próximos meses, Visions probará el Badger en las sucursales de Endicott, NY, Mahwah, NJ y Muhlenberg, PA.

As a financial institution, Visions understands that it has a particular responsibility not only to accessibility through technology, but also its members' security. "Badger is a real time-only unit," explains Pryce. "Our members will benefit from the increased accessibility without the worry that their conversations or sensitive information will be saved."

After piloting the smart badge with speech-to-text in English, Visions plans to test the Badger's capabilities with real time translation to support their growing membership in other languages. Pryce says, "Just imagine, eliminating all language barriers from our branch services. That's the direction we're going!"



Acerca de Satellite Displays

Satellite Displays' purpose is to improve communication through innovation. We created Badger, the world's first closed captioning smart badge to convert speech to text in real time. Badger también traduce la voz a muchos idiomas. Nos inspira ayudar a todas las personas a superar las barreras de comunicación. Tanto si es sordo, tiene hipoacusia, habla un idioma diferente o está usando una mascarilla, Badger puede ayudarlo.

Acerca de Visions Federal Credit Union

Visions Federal Credit Union es una institución financiera sin fines de lucro que es propiedad absoluta de sus miembros. Visions, establecida en 1966, se enorgullece de prestar servicio a más de 250,000 miembros en comunidades en todo New Jersey, New York y Pennsylvania. Sus servicios incluyen operaciones bancarias, así como también préstamos para automóviles, para viviendas, personales y empresariales.

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Visions Federal Credit Union

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