Articles detailing Visions' news.

  • Empleada de Visions gana el Premio Paul Revere como defensora popular

    Washington, DC – The National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions (NAFCU) recognized Visions Federal Credit Union's Patricia Shermot, Director of Government Affairs/Regional Urban Development Officer, with the association's 2019 Paul Revere Award. This award is presen…

  • Director ejecutivo de Visions participa en podcast

    Endicott, NY – Visions Federal Credit Union's President/CEO, Ty Muse, was recently featured as a guest on the State of Readiness podcast. Hosted by Joseph Paris, founder of the XONITEK Group of Companies, Operational Excellence Society, and the Readiness Institute, their convers…

  • Visions celebra la gran inauguración de la sede central

    Endwell, NY – Numerosos socios de la comunidad, proveedores y políticos locales se unieron a Visions Federal Credit Union durante la gran inauguración de su sede corporativa central el 22 de agosto. What was once the Endwell Elementary School, the newly remodeled location now boasts over 170,000…

  • Tompkins Chamber lanza "Member of the Week"

    ITHACA, NY – Tompkins Chamber se complace en anunciar su nuevo programa, Member of the Week, patrocinado por Visions Federal Credit Union. Each week, one of the 700+ Tompkins Chamber members will be recognized with a feature story on WENY NY Local News, an advertisement in Tompkins…

  • Los jóvenes y el apoyo

    Young professionals are passionate about spreading the credit union story Lindsay Pelletier sat in her office one Friday afternoon, working to disentangle a member from a payday loan that cost him $800 a month. At the end of the process, the credit union slashed the man's paymen…

  • Visions abrirá una nueva oficina en Ithaca, NY

    ITHACA, NY - Visions Federal Credit Union se complace en anunciar que abrirá una sucursal en 410 Elmira Road este invierno. Visions brings a new banking option to the Ithaca community that includes lower interest rates on loans, competitive earnings on savings, a shared…

  • Dinero de bar/bat mitzvá

    Whether it's a multiple of 18 for chai (life in Hebrew) or not, cash is always a welcome gift for the bar or bat mitzvah. Parents need to teach their children smart financial habits, and the bar and bat mitzvah is a good time to think about… At Visions Federal Credit Union, with Bergen County branches in Mahwah, Westwood, Dumont, Englewood, Oakland and Saddle Brook, "the young customer is valued from the very beginning of his or her life," said Ada Myteberi, a [Regional Member Service Officer] for the New Jersey region. "The earlier good financial habits are built, the better," said Ms. Myteberi. "[Most of us parents] don't teach enough budgeting and money management to our kids."

  • Clases de educación financiera - Ayuda a los residentes de Reading

    READING, PA — Recientemente, un miércoles por la mañana, Idalmi Rivera, residente de Reading de 18 años, se unió a otra media docena de personas en una clase gratuita de educación financiera en el Centro para las Artes WCR en Reading. The class, one in a series organized by South of Penn Task Force and presented by Vi…

  • Las presentaciones de éxito de los estudiantes obtienen becas

    Endicott, Nueva York. Visions Federal Credit Union y Arel Moodie recientemente presentaron una serie de educación financiera que llegó a más de 4,000 estudiantes. Moodie, a motivational speaker and the best-selling author of Your Starting Point For Student Success, educated students on the importanc…

  • Visions otorga nuevas becas a veteranos

    Endicott, Nueva York. Visions Federal Credit Union felicita a los ganadores de nuestra beca Visions Salutes 2019, y les desea lo mejor. Cinco estudiantes afortunados fueron los beneficiarios de $1,000 cada uno, lo que les permitirá continuar sus estudios. The Visions Salutes scholarship is part of Visions' Veterans Prog…

  • Visions otorga $27,750 en becas

    Endicott, Nueva York. Visions Federal Credit Union felicita a los ganadores de nuestras becas 2019 y les desea lo mejor. Recientemente, Visions otorgó $27,750 a 39 estudiantes. Visions' unique scholarship program recognizes college-bound students for outstanding performance in academics,…

Visions Federal Credit Union

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