It's checking – plus!

Seamos sinceros: Checking accounts are pretty boring, but totally necessary as (1) the home of your direct deposits and (2) the only way to pay by debit. But what if checking could offer a little more? ¿Qué diría si, por ejemplo, su cuenta de cheques pudiera generarle dinero? Ya no le parecería tan aburrida, ¿verdad?

Products like our Flex Checking Plus* offer a few reasons to get excited about typically taken-for-granted checking accounts.

The first is, yes, this checking account can actually make you money.
¿Cómo? Our Flex Checking Plus account earns dividends like a savings. Así es: Just like your savings grows each month, so too can your checking balance by earning dividends on your balance.

Flex Checking Plus también puede ahorrarle mucho dinero. 
Para empezar, se reembolsan todas las tarifas por uso de cajeros automáticos en cualquier lugar de EE. UU. Así es: Never get stuck with the fee for using a non-Visions ATM.

Y eso no es todo. 
Need an official check or money order? Those are free. ¿Quiere hacer una transferencia electrónica? There's no charge for those either.

Abrir una cuenta     Flex Checking Plus tiene aún más ventajas. Head over to Visions' dedicated page to learn more!


*Check out Flex Checking Plus

Education Articles

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  • Annual Percentage Yield

    One great reason to save money at Visions: dividends!* Your deposits in savings accounts earn a percentage back over time, and we offer excellent, competitive rates for our members. You'll notice our savings rates, including Share Certificates and Flex Money Market accounts, are always advertised with APY, or Annual Percentage Yield. You may also notice that in some instances, like our rates pages, we include the interest rate or dividend rate, too.

Visions Federal Credit Union

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