Let's Take Your Business to the Next Level

For more than 55 years, we’ve supported business members and nonprofits through their startups, plateaus, expansions, mergers, and more. In that time, we’ve seen how the right relationships, partnerships, and resources can determine the success of an organization. That’s why we’re here for your business – to be a trusted resource and financial partner as you pursue your version of success.

Support for You and Your Business 

Everything you need – here at Visions.

As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, we offer our business products with the promise of fewer fees, competitive rates, and convenient local service you can trust. That’s just the beginning, though. Here are a few highlights from our suite of business services, available for commercial businesses as well as nonprofits and clubs.


Cash Management

Digital storefronts, pop-up shops, and brick-and-mortars often have unique needs. We help all the above to manage funds and accept payments. 

  • Incoming deposits and outgoing expenses can be managed through a range of cash management solutions, including ACH originations and direct deposit for automating your payroll, transfers, and bill payments. Your business account could also receive instant payments sent through the FedNow Network or Real-Time Payments®.
  • Our customizable point of sale and payment processing systems can be optimized for mobile platforms as well as in-person transactions – for added control over your customer experience. Even better, our card processing supports next-day funds availability – providing quick access to your income.
  • Manage your business accounts 24/7 in digital banking, where you can assign varying levels of access permissions to your team members to view or manage your balances and transaction history. Plus, you can use our Visions FCU Mobile app for sending payments and transfers through Bill Pay or processing Express Deposits with just a few quick photos of your checks.

Find out more about these convenient solutions for cash management.

Benefits and Retirement

We’ll even help you care for the people who make it all possible – your staff! In addition to payroll deposits, we can partner to provide benefits that support your employees’ financial well-being.

  • Supplement your employee benefits to strengthen your staff loyalty and job satisfaction. Ask about our Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Simplified Employee Pension plans (SEPs) to consider making tax-deductible contributions toward employee medical needs or retirement savings. Learn about HSAs and SEPs here.
  • Encourage financial wellness among your employees by connecting with our team of certified financial counselors and educators. We provide confidential one-on-one support and group seminars on financial topics from managing debt to holiday spending to homeownership. Connect with this free resource at education@visionsfcu.org.

Visa® Business Cash Rewards Card

Need a rewarding solution for daily expenses? Don’t overlook our Visa Business Cash Rewards Card. Tap into cash back, perks from the Visa® network, and local service you know and trust. 

Benefits include:

  • Automatic 1% cash back on purchases
  • Alertas de compra de Visa
  • Protección de cero responsabilidad de Visa
  • Protección de garantía extendida
    …and additional chances to save and earn by activating Visa SavingsEdge!

Plus, when you use your card during business travel, you can take advantage of even more perks, including: Roadside Assistance, Travel Emergency Assistance, and an Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver – up to the full value of your rental car!

Explore details or apply now.

At any stage, owning a business can be challenging. We’re here to help through it all. 

Technical questions about our point of sale? We’ll stop by. Want help understanding business credit? Let’s schedule a time to chat. Whatever your questions, our team of specialists is available to help explore your options and even work through pain points. 

Checking, savings, and loans – we've got these covered, too! Our lineup for business and nonprofit accounts includes:

¡Y mucho más! Learn more or get in touch with a business expert today.


Artículos para empresas

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  • Convierta su visión empresarial en una realidad de New Jersey

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  • Lo que las mujeres deben considerar al abrir un negocio en el estado de New York

    Desde ciudades animadas, como Syracuse y Rochester, hasta comunidades serenas del norte del estado, el estado de New York ofrece un entorno diverso y de apoyo para emprendedores. Si es una mujer lista para dar el salto y ser propietaria de un negocio, a continuación, encontrará algunos pasos clave para considerarse PREPARADA para el éxito.

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