• Tax Refunds

    We love supporting your financial well-being and helping you save money. If you're expecting a refund this tax season, or any tax credit throughout the year, here are some ideas to make the most of it. Skip the mail and choose Direct Deposit. With direct deposit, your tax refund goes straight from the US Treasury into your account. That means it's quick, convenient, and accessible.

  • Your Debit Card for Daily Spending

    Why debit beats cash, checks, and credit! Accounting for nearly a third of all consumer transactions in the US, debit cards are used more than cash, checks, and credit cards. That shouldn't come as a surprise, though. While they've been popular for decades, debit cards have advanced with technology to make transactions faster, more secure, and easier to track.

  • Let's Team Up for Your Protection

    Your account security is our priority. You can join the effort, too, and be our partner in protecting your accounts and personal information. Use these online resources to maximize your security.

  • Annual Percentage Yield

    One great reason to save money at Visions: dividends!* Your deposits in savings accounts earn a percentage back over time, and we offer excellent, competitive rates for our members. You'll notice our savings rates, including Share Certificates and Flex Money Market accounts, are always advertised with APY, or Annual Percentage Yield. You may also notice that in some instances, like our rates pages, we include the interest rate or dividend rate, too.

  • Dealing with Financial Hardship

    Financial Hardship Small Steps, Long Term Results They told me it wasn't going to happen overnight – and they were right. Cuando intentaba salir de mi mala situación financiera, buscaba soluciones rápidas donde fuera. Retirar los ahorros para jubilación para mantener en marcha mi automóvil. Using credi…

  • Lecciones de: La artista distante

    Lessons From My Elders I won't always be young. I'm not jaded by the notion that I have a lot of years ahead of me, and many lessons to learn. But eventually, I won't be able to work the same 40 hours per week (plus the occasional side gig) to support my family and cover my heal…

  • Lecciones de: Los errores de un veterano

    Lessons From My Elders I won't always be young. I'm not jaded by the notion that I have a lot of years ahead of me, and many lessons to learn. But eventually, I won't be able to work the same 40 hours per week (plus the occasional side gig) to support my family and cover my heal…

  • Cómo planificamos una fuga y una miniluna de miel sin deudas

    How We Planned a Debt-Free Elopement and Mini Honeymoon After three years of being engaged, we finally decided to walk down the aisle. A decir verdad, nunca quise planificar una boda tradicional y asumir todos los gastos relacionados. I always wanted a little less – while…

  • Maneras de afrontar una deuda

    Ya sea que esté buscando sugerencias para liberarse de deudas o que se haya visto abrumado por los pagos de un préstamo y no sepa por dónde empezar, estos son algunos pasos para guiarle hacia una estrategia personalizada.

    Young Man Debt
  • Cómo manejar los cheques inesperados

    How to Handle Unexpected Checks Did you get a check in the mail you weren't expecting? ¿Quizás incluso uno que esperaba, pero se ve un poco extraño? There are ways to verify it to make sure you're not depositing a counterfeit check – and it all starts with the source. Checks…

  • Presupuesto familiar con cupones

    Family Budgeting with Coupons Adulting is hard, even when it's filled with great things. Nothing brought me to that sense faster than having $36,000 in student loan debt and working my dream job while being newly married, a new homeowner, and – the cherry on top – having a baby…

Visions Federal Credit Union

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