• Ingresos en efectivo: Dos and Don'ts of Cash Management

    Ingresos en efectivo: Dos and Don'ts of Cash Management My first jobs were in cafes and restaurants.  Depending on the gig and the season, income was inconsistent week to week and month to month, generally less in payroll and more in tips. At times, I was earning 100% cash, with pri…

  • Cómo administrar un presupuesto durante la jubilación

    Managing a Budget During your Retirement Unless you have accumulated substantial wealth where money is not a concern, you face a critical task when you reach retirement to make sure that your assets will support you through your lifetime. When you retire and no longer earn an in…

  • Poder notarial y planificación de patrimonio sucesorio

    Poder notarial Un documento importante que toda persona debe tener en cuenta como parte de la planificación del patrimonio sucesorio es el poder notarial. This is a legal document that gives another adult person – or even a Trust Department like at Visions – the authority to act on your behalf and make de…

  • ¿Qué es un fideicomiso?

    A Will is Not the Only Way Today marks the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history, with $30 trillion in assets projected to pass from baby boomers to their heirs in the United States alone. Yet 60% of American adults don't have an estate plan. Plan ahead for the po…

  • ¿Necesito un plan de patrimonio sucesorio?

    ¿Necesito un plan de patrimonio sucesorio? Incluso si no crea un plan, su patrimonio sucesorio tiene una contingencia, pero es posible que a usted no le guste. Si no crea un plan, su patrimonio sucesorio lo hará. The law of intestate succession is your state's default estate plan for those who fail to plan ahead.…

  • Designación de un fideicomiso como beneficiario IRA

    Designación de un fideicomiso como beneficiario IRA Una parte importante de la planificación del patrimonio sucesorio es designar un beneficiario para su cuenta IRA. After all, what's key is making sure your loved ones are in good hands and that your wishes are being fulfilled. Not all families and beneficiaries are the…

  • Gastos universitarios: cómo sobrevivir a la matrícula

    Gastos universitarios: How to Survive Tuition I learned the hard way. I didn't quite realize what student loans entailed and learned so many things along the way that I wish I knew beforehand. I'm here to tell you all the things I wish I knew, so that hopefully you don't go through…

  • Perros y gatos: los costos de tener una mascota

    Perros y gatos: The Costs of Owning a Pet So, you're thinking about getting a furry friend… Owning a pet has many benefits, like a decrease in stress and depression, as well as having a best friend. While a cat or dog are great companions, it's important to keep in mind the costs…

    Dog shelter
  • Explicación de las hipotecas

    Cómo entender los costos de cierre de las hipotecas, PMI (seguro hipotecario privado), ARM (hipoteca con tasa de interés ajustable), depósito… averiguar qué constituye su hipoteca puede ser complicado. Con tantos factores a tener en cuenta, ¿cómo toma una decisión? Well, you can start by breaking down some of the most common terms and considerations you'll…

  • Salir de la ciudad con un presupuesto ajustado

    Salir de la ciudad con un presupuesto ajustado Mi esposa y yo amamos viajar. Bueno, al menos, en los días previos a la pandemia de COVID-19 y al bebé. Las cosas definitivamente han cambiado en los últimos dos años, pero el deseo de viajar continúa. Here are some ways that we've been able to make some fun trips without breakin…

  • Por qué me deshice de mi tarjeta de débito

    Why I Ditched My Debit Card All about that credit card life I'm going to make a confession: I don't use my debit card. To be honest, I haven't used it in years. And while that's not something our Card Solutions Manager here at Visions will like, the fact is, I'm all about my cre…

    Why I Ditched My Debit Card
  • Cómo pagué dos años de estudio en Australia

    Cómo pagué dos años en Australia: preparación financiera para estudiar en el extranjero ¿Conque ha decidido estudiar en el extranjero? How exciting! With dreams of the adventures that await, it can be tough to sit down and think logistics. If you take the time to map out your finances now, though, you'll…

Visions Federal Credit Union

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